A congregation of the Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa
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Times and Program
Youth bible study and youth group is every Wednesday evening. At the moment we meet in the building called "The Goodina".
The structure of a typical Wednesday evening meeting consists of half an hour of bible study focusing on a specific book from scripture followed by an hour of youth group. The youth group session varies from preaching to discussions in small groups, games to service activities and more.
Who Can Join?
The focus will be on high school students but the age range will be from 13 up to 20. So if you are in grade 7, in high school or just finished High School then come and join.
What is Youth Group about?
Youth Group is about young people journeying closer to God through life in a fun, engaging and practical way with a primary focus on Jesus Christ, the gospel and the church’s witness to the self-giving love of God. Youth Group is a sanctuary where all are welcome and invited to ask questions about faith, life and struggles as we try to gain an understanding of God and the bible.
As part of the youth we seek to welcome all who want to attend youth creating an environment which is non-judgemental, comfortable, understanding, forgiving, loving, serving and being real. We seek to grow as Christians becoming disciples who in turn disciple.
We seek to be a witness to the self-giving love of God at every moment of our life (not only at youth or church events) and in every relationship (family, friends and romantic), speaking the truth in love. We will learn to serve God and others, love God and others and help those in need.
Do You Have Questions or want get Involved?
If you have any questions, want to keep up to date with whats happening, want to be a leader, would like to attend youth or get involved in any way, please speak to Iain Kemp or contact the church office.